Monthly Archives: September 2009

South America – Day 27

I think if it weren’t for all the extra things going on in my life right now, this time without Derick wouldn’t be nearly as hard.  I miss him terribly.  But I miss him more when I visit his parents, and when Christian has a school function, and when I need to find a babysitter to do something simple like get my hair done.  I miss him when I crawl in bed at night and I wake up in the morning alone.  I miss him when I have to clean up dinner and put the kids to bed by myself.  I miss him when I balance the checkbook because I don’t have anyone to talk to about how to spend our money.  I miss him everytime I gaze at the face of our new baby boy, and think about how much Brody will change by the time he gets back.  And I miss him because I can’t talk to him right now.  I have gotten a couple of text messages from him this week, but I think when he sends them he has about 5 minutes of free time.  So, I rarely get to answer back right away. 

The kids and I made cupcakes tonight.  The night seemed to go smoother having something for all of us to do together.  I should plan more activities like that but for some reason I just don’t.  Allyn kept taking the used beaters and dipping them into the cake batter and licking it, while I was trying to fill the cupcake papers.  He was dripping it everywhere!  Then after the papers were all full and I let the kids lick the bowl, Aida started smearing it on her face and telling me that it was face wash.  Needless to say, they took a bath while the cupcakes were in the oven.  I guess the white cake batter did sort of look like my moisturizer… a little.

Aida is such a girly girl.  She is fascinated with my makeup. I really don’t have very much, especially being a cosmetologist.  I would love to do formal hair and makeup for a living.  No color, no cuts, just formal styles and makeup, but the investment in the makeup is huge.  I don’t have enough clients for that.  Plus, all the business would come by referral.  There’s not a lot of repeat business there.  But, the little bit I do have seems to keep Aida occupied for any length of time.  She wears lipstick all the time.  She has even tried to put on mascara but she usually ends up looking like a football player instead of a fashion model.  She is much girlier than I have ever been. 

Tomorrow I am taking the kids to a friend’s house so I can cut hair, and Aida, Christian and I are going to Tanner’s Orchard.  I’m excited!  I get to have an outing with just my older kids!!  Aida told me today that we need more apples.  Christian says he wants to pick his own.  I told him we’ll see.  I don’t know if we will have enough time for that.  If I leave Brody with my friend, then I’ll have about 2 hours that I can be gone.  I don’t know if that’s enough time.  I am excited!  It sounds like a  relaxing day to me!

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South America – Day 26

Yes, I know… I skipped yesterday.  I started actually doing my Bible Study lessons yesterday.  The study is about Esther and destiny and each week there are 5 days worth of lessons to do.  Lately, I have been getting up with Brody early in the morning and staying up.  When he was waking up once or twice in the night, I put him back to bed after his breakfast (about 5am) and I went back to bed too.  The last two mornings since I started this study, Brody has wanted to eat in the middle of the night.  Which makes me want to sleep in the next morning.  But, I didn’t.  I got up and did the study.  This morning my kids each woke up at different times while I was trying to get it done.  This afternoon my friend, Kathy, took Aida and Allyn to the park and to McDonald’s.  Brody was supposed to be sleeping.  So, I made myself some coffee and sat down to do a little more of the study.  Brody woke up about every 15 minutes.  He would fuss for about 5 minutes and then go back to sleep.  I’m not sure how long he did that, but he didn’t get his really long afternoon nap today.  Thus, he was really fussy tonight.  I layed him down after he fell asleep in my arms and he hasn’t even stirred yet.  Usually I would feed him again at 9 or so, but I think I’m just gonna let him sleep and see what happens.  Anyway, about my study.  I have decided that I think God has something for me to learn with this because everytime I sit down to do it, some kind of interruption comes.  

Last night I went to my In-Law’s house to give Bonnie a couple of things.  I took the kids with my but I made them stay in the car because Allyn still has a snotty nose, and Bonnie’s immune system is really weak.  She came out to the car to say hi through the window.  Well, its a good thing I didn’t take them in because 3 of the 4 were acting sick today and 1 had a fever.  My kids never get sick like this.  Derick has been gone for less than a month and this is the second time we have dealt with illness.  I’m beginning to think that Satan (along with not wanting me to do my study) doesn’t want me at my in-laws house, because every time I go, I pray over her and ask God for healing.  If my kids are sick then I can’t go.  So, all I can say is All Glory to my God and King!  Bring it on.  I want my in-laws to have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ! 

Tonight was rather exhausting with sick kids and no husband.  I think the nights that they are healthy and fighting are actually harder that sick and whiney!  So, I ordered Chinese take-out for dinner, cuz Brody wouldn’t let me put him down.  Christian wolfed his down.  Aida went back and forth.  She wanted to eat then she didn’t then she did… Allyn didn’t want to get up from his nap first, and when he did he wasn’t in the mood to eat.  That is, til I gave him Children’s Motrin!  That kicked the fever and brought back his appetite!  He went to bed pretty much as soon as he was done eating.  Hopefully, he won’t get sick on the rice! 

So, goodnight world.  Its not late yet, but I would like to get some sleep before Brody wants to eat again.

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South America – Day 24

Today was an extraordinary day.  God provided for me again.  Why do I ever doubt?  Why do I ever start to lose hope?  I think in this situation, I really believed God would provide for my needs, my bills, and food and things like that.  I know that he cares about our desires, but in my finite mind I still wonder if he will provide for the those things that I want, but will still survive if I don’t have them.  In know that I will survive the next 4 1/2 months if I don’t see Derick in October, but I don’t want to.  And I know that Derick is desparate to see me.  If I have free time… wait… I don’t have free time.  But, when Derick has free time, he is alone, or at least, alone without me and the kids.  He has time to sit and think about what he is missing at home.  So, in a sense, he really does NEED this weekend vacation. 

So anyway, a friend of mine came up to me after Bible Study today.  She handed me an envelope and said I just remember you telling a story that your grandpa used to tell.  If you are hungry and I have 2 sandwiches, I don’t have to pray that you won’t be hungry anymore.  I can just give you a sandwich.  Then she said that God has blesses her and her husband with more than enough, so she wanted to give me a gift to use where ever I had need.  I cried when she gave it to me.  I had no idea what was in the envelope at that point.  But it was enough to buy a plane ticket, and pay all my bills for this month except my mortgage.  But, I have no doubt that God will provide enough for that one too. 

I’m so excited to see Derick!!  I can’t even tell him about it for 2 weeks!  That’s ok.  When I do finally get to talk to him about it, it will only be a few days away!  I may dream about Derick tonight! 🙂

Our Bible Study this symester is on destiny.  I have been getting that a lot in my own quiet time with God.  Nothing in my life has happened by chance.  Especially things that have happened in the last 5 years.  God has been preparing Derick and I for our destiny.  I don’t know what that is yet, but I know He has a plan!  God had a plan for Esther in the Bible.  He made her queen “for such a time as this.”  She single handedly saved her people from certain death, simply because God put her in the position to do so and she was obedient.  I am so excited about this Bible Study!  I’m was excited about the adult time before, now I am excited about the study too.

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Filed under Military Life

South America – Day 23

I thought today would be the first day of 2 very long weeks.  But, it turns out that tomorrow is that day.  I didn’t expect to talk to Derick at all today and well, I didn’t.  But I got 2 text messages and a picture message.  He sends me the goofiest pictures sometimes, but he is awefully handsome in his uniform in the one he sent today! 🙂  I really hope everything works out for me to go visit him in October.  I will find out tomorrow when I get his paycheck.  Hopefully all the kinks have been worked out and I will actually be getting it.  Navy pay (military pay) really confuses me sometimes.  It probably would be less confusing if I was able to see Derick’s paystubs.  But, I think they are all online and he has to have a special password and ID card to look at them. 

Today was a normal day.  This morning the kids and I didn’t really do very much.  Katie came over again today to watch the kids while I had a doctor appointment and went to the grocery store.  The little boys slept almost the whole time she was here.  Then she went to pick up Christian from school.  She has been such a big help to me!  Tonight wasn’t very eventful.  A friend from church brought us dinner and Allyn decided he didn’t want to eat anything but the fruit, so being the big, mean mom that I am, I let the other kids eat chocolate chip cookies in front of him and he didn’t get any.  I told him he had to take two more bites of the pasta and he could have one.  He refused, so he didn’t get a cookie.  After dinner the kids played in the living room and I sat in the kitchen wishing for someone to talk to.  I would love some random adult compay.  I can’t wait for Bible Study tomorrw.  Its a chance for me to sit down and not worry about my kids.  And to talk to adults for a couple of hours.  I don’t know if the girls my age are doing the study, but honestly, I don’t really care.  I need this so much in my life right now. 

9/15/09 – Its currently 5:30 in the morning.  Brody woke me up when he started stirring, but he settled down and seems to be sleeping soundly again.  I logged on to our bank account website this morning and was a little diappointed with what I saw.  The one thing I don’t like about Navy (military) pay, is that I am left in the dark.  Derick can see his pay stubs but I am left to wonder what on earth this money is for and is it the whole amount that we were supposed to receive, and do I have to wait til the next pay period to get the rest of it?  I was just hoping that after I used some of the money to pay our bills, there would still be enough left to visit Derick in October.  I guess God has other plans.  I guess I just have to wait and see if that means the money is coming from someplace else or if it means I have to stay home.  I think I’ll stop for now.  I need to read my Bible and take a shower before my kids wake up.

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Filed under Military Life

South America – Day 22

Three weeks ago today I took BU3 Uhler to the airport.  That means his job is a builder and he’s a 3rd class Petty Officer, incase you didn’t know that… (I wouldn’t if I wasn’t married to him)! 

9/14/09 – I decided to email Derick last night instead of posting this blog.  So here I am, writing it today.  Allyn is playing in the kitchen and Aida is sitting in my room with me.  I hope Allyn isn’t making too much of a mess for me to clean up.  He seems to be pretty good at that.  I have such a hard time keeping my house picked up (not cleaned… just picked up) because I feel like I spend the whole day putting out fires and cleaning up messes!  This morning he went in the kitchen after breakfast and started playing with his untouched cereal bowl.  What A Mess!!

Yesterday was a good day.  Brody is starting to sleep longer, which is great!  But, its messing up the schedule I had him on.  I’m trying really hard to arrange his nursing schedule so that he will eat during Sunday School on Sundays, so that I can sit in church by myself during the service.  But today he slept til 6:30.  That’s not late enough to skip a feeding, but if I space them out by only 2 hours, instead of 2 1/2 or 3, he’s not hungry yet.  So, I fed him at 6:30 and then at 9:00 but now its 10 and he’s acting hungry again.  But, that would make sense because that’s when he normally eats.  Although, its more out of habit than actual hunger.  Whatever… as long as he sleeps at 10:30, I don’t care!

So, yesterday he slept through church and lunch, like the great baby he is.  I have 3 different days during the week that I have plans in the morning.  Sundays I go to church, Tuesdays I go to Bible Study, and Fridays I go to MOPS.  But I am trying to adjust his schedule around just church, with no concern for the other two.  Perhaps its because the other 2 are women’s groups and I can feed him in the group and I can’t do that during church.  My friend, Anna, was so impressed that I would work that hard to be able to arrange his schedule around just going to church on Sunday, but especially with Derick gone, it is such a lifeline for me.  I crave the fellowship every week!  I can’t wait to get there and get Brody in bed for a nap so that I can spend time in Worship. 

I have also been really looking forward to the Women’s Bible Study at church.  More so, since Derick left.  I think to have a structured time in God’s Word everyday, and to have time with adult women in my church.  They are women that I know are praying for me and really care about me and my kids.  We are doing the new Beth Moore study called Esther.  The last one I did was called Believing God.  It really openned my eyes to how much I just believe IN God rather than BELIEVING God and taking Him at his word… believing that he will actually do what he says.  I had gotten really lazy about that.  Now that I have been through the study, God is really testing my faith by all of the things going on in my life right now.  With my mother-in-law being sick and Derick being gone, a new baby, all of the financial stress that we have had.  I feel like God is saying, “Ok, now you know you need to trust me… Are you going to put into practice what you have learned?”  I want to have faith that God can do anything, but sometimes my faith is weak.  I know that God can do anything, and I know that I just need to ask and believe, and I can do anything through the Power of God!  If I am so sure of that, why is it so hard to put it into practice.  My drama teacher used to say, practice doesn’t make perfect… practice makes permanent.  If I start putting my faith into practice will it get easier?  I hope so.  I want it to be just a part of who I am, a part of my everyday life.  I don’t want to be able to separate it from the rest of my life.  I admire the people that when you ask them how they are doing, their answer is automatically about what God is currently doing in their life. 

God, make me like that.  Don’t just be part of me, but let me be part of you.  So that you are visible in everything that I do, in the very essence of who I am!  Thank you! In Jesus name, Amen.

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Filed under Military Life

South America – Day 21

Well, I didn’t write last night, for my faithful readers.  I talked to Derick on Skype for 2 hours, then I was too tired to write anything coherent.  The last couple of days have been pretty good.  Probably because I have been able to get out of the house  a couple of times.  Derick noticed on Skype that I did my hair yesterday.  I said that’s because I actually had to go somewhere.   

Yesterday morning I went to MOPS for the first time.  Rachel invited me and I’m so glad she did.  It made me feel sane and normal.  Its ok that my house is messy a lot of the time.  My kids are more important than a spotless house.  I was about to put all 3 little kids in the nursery and sit quietly and eat breakfast and listen to the speaker and talk to other moms, without little hands pulling on me constantly.  I told the nursery worker in the baby room, that Brody would be hungry at 10:30 so they would come and get me when it was time for him to eat.  When they came to get me, apparently he had pooped through his clothes and on the shirt of the nursery worker.  I felt terrible!  Plus, I didn’t bring any extra clothes because he has never done that before.  So, they hunted around til they found a onsie that he could wear home.  Thank goodness its still warm outside!

Last night was Isaac’s birthday party.  That was at Fondulac Park in East Peoria.  It was great til it got dark and there were no lights in the pavilion.  Rachel lit some birthday candles so we could see to eat our dessert and used brownies as candle holders.  Pretty ingenious! 

Today was just about as eventful.  I went to the Share Day at Northfield Christian Fellowship today.  It was like a huge garage sale, except everything was free.  We found some things that will be usefull, but it started yesterday and I forgot that detail.  So, everything was a little picked over.  Next year I’ll have to donate more and shop early.  Then my friend, Lauren, came to visit me.  Twice today, actually.  She held Brody and we visited for a while.  The kids like it when she comes over because they play with her and she gets them all wound up before bed. 🙂

Tonight I got to talk to Derick on Skype.  It was nice to get to chat with him face to face again.  But, he was really homesick tonight.  He thought he would be leaving on his field exercise on Tuesday and then we wouldn’t get to talk for about 10 days.  Today he found out that they may leave tomorrow.  So, he was feeling a little down about that.  I think he just wasn’t ready to give up talking on Skype yet (or any talking for that matter) .  I feel really bad for him.  I could tell that he didn’t want to hang up.  I wasn’t ready to either.  I love staying up late to talk to him.  The kids are in bed, the house is quiet and I get to talk to my husband face to face.  It is on a totally different level than talking on the phone.  I think if I had to pick forms of communication, I would have to say that Skype is my favorite followed in a close second by a hand-written letter.  I think a letter feels so special because you know the person actually took time out of their busy schedule to sit down and write a letter to you.  Emails can be quick and to the point.  And typing is faster than writing.  Talking on the phone is great but holding that paper that the other person penned themselves is like holding a piece of that person.  And talking on Skype is having a face to face conversation.  I think the things that we say are changed by the form with which we use to say them.  For example, it is much easier to tell someone that we are unhappy about them in a text message than to actually dial their number and tell them in a conversation.  Or, cyber bullying is much easier than being mean in person.  Is it easier because we don’t have to deal with the person.  We are telling a machine… not a real, live person.  Makes me think of that children’s song that Aida sings in church. 

“Oh, be careful little mouth what you say… for the Father up above is looking down in love.  So, be careful little mouth, what you say.”

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South America – Day 19

Today was a pretty productive day.  I gathered all of Jack’s things to give to his new owners and in the process I found where the flies were coming from (I think).  There was a box of stuff hidden in the basement.  I didn’t even know it was there, but it had gotten wet, apparently a long time ago, because the stuff in the box was unrecognizable.  It was really discusting!  But its out with the trash now, along with a lot of other trash I found lurking in the basement.  So, hopefully the flies will start to diminish soon.

Dinner is not cleaned up and I am not motivated to go clean it up.  All the parishables are put away, but the dishes will still be there in the morning.  They aren’t going anywhere (unfortunately).  As soon as dinner was over I cut my boys hair, then fed Brody.  While I was feeding Brody, my dad came over and we decided to go to Hoerr Nursery so I could use his fax machine.  I needed to print Derick’s orders from my email when we got there (I’m out of ink) and then fax them to the Department of Education and to CitiMortgage.  They need proof that Derick is really active duty military.  Then they give us a break on our interest rates.  But anyway, he was out of ink, too.  So, we decided to just go to Target and get the ink that I need and then go home and worry about the faxes tomorrow. 

When we got home we called Derick on Skype.  Sometimes my kids turn the funnest things into such chores!  They could not stop arguing about nothing, and flopping on the bed, and knocking off the webcam from the computer.  So it wasn’t as fun as we wanted it to be.  I was hoping I could ask Derick to pray with the kids tonight before I put them to bed but it just didn’t happen. 

Tomorrow is MOPS.  I’m a little nervous about it.  I’m afraid of the work that it will take to get all of us there and back again.  I’m always afraid of losing track of one of the kids.  But Rachel is riding with me so I’m sure I’ll be fine. 

I’m gonna pray with Derick now so I can go to bed. 

Good night, all!

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South America – Day 18

Wow!  The last couple of days have been really tough!  I have been fighting this cold for a week now, and it just doesn’t seem to be going away.  It is draining my energy, so that I am running on empty when it comes to taking care of my kids.  Some of the daily struggles that I have with my kids are:

– Everytime I sit down to nurse, Aida and Allyn find something to snack on or something to tear apart or some other way to get into trouble.

– Christian is constantly asking to play video games, as if there is NOTHING else in the world to do, no matter what I said 5 minutes ago when he asked the same question.

– Allyn probably shouldn’t take naps anymore or should at least sleep less in the afternoon, because he takes at least an hour to fall asleep at night now.  (But, I just enjoy the peace so much!) 

– Brody wants to be held at dinner time, or when it is time to make dinner.  And if I don’t, he cries… not as much as some babies do, but still.  I want to hold him when I hear him crying, but I have 3 other kids that demand my attention too.  So, there are times when we all just have to do what we need to do while we listen to him cry.


Today Aida scribbled, with a crayon, on the wall in the hallway.  I took her to the bathroom to give her and spanking and as soon as I told her it was time to go to the bathroom, she threw herself on the floor and started thrashing her arms and legs.  She did the same thing last night when I told her she was getting a spanking for wetting her pants and then lying to me about it.  She is a good girl most of the time, but when she is bad, she is really bad.  I think Derick’s absence and having a new baby all at once is affecting her more than the rest of the kids.  She doesn’t mope around like I would, it just comes out in occasional screaming fits. 

Allyn on the other hand, doesn’t even seem to realize that Derick is gone.  When he does something wrong its not intentional, like it is with Aida.  He is usually just trying to have fun or get close to me and Brody.  He loves throwing balls.  Today while I was in the bathroom with Aida, he got out a couple boxes of lightbulbs and started throwing the bulbs.  He threw one at Christian and it hit his shoulder and broke on the floor behind him.  And he threw one by the bathroom.  I had to make sure everyone stayed where they were so I could tiptoe to my room to put shoes on before I could go get the broom. 

Christian just wants so bad to spend time with me.  Its so hard to give him my undivided attention when I have 2 little kids acting like that, and a newborn baby that needs constant care.  I finally told him that next Friday night, I will get a babysitter for Aida and Allyn and he and I can go out by ourselves (well, with Brody, of course).  Kendra told me that weekend is the Pumpkin Festival, so I think we may go to that.  He was pretty excited when we made those plans. 

I think I haven’t been praying enough.  I haven’t been losing my temper really.  I just get really down about things.  I really miss Derick!  I haven’t gotten to talk to him much for the last couple of days, and his pay has been messed up.  Military pay confuses me sometimes!  But, I know if I pray, more than I have, anyway, I would definitely not have so many times when I get down on myself.  Having Derick gone, suprisingly, isn’t the hardest part.  Its having him gone with 3 very little kids, one of them being a newborn.  I think the next deployment will be easier, just because the kids will be older and a little more self sufficient.  But, back to the subject of prayer… I know I need to spend more time in prayer.  Pray for Derick, of course, and his safety.  Pray for healing for his mom.  Pray for the safety of my kids and for their relationship with Jesus.  If I don’t pray for my husband and my kids, at least, then who will? 


Philippians 4:6-8

“Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.  Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”


Praise the Lord… for good days and bad. 

Psalm 118:24 

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”


I do think the Lord hears my prayers as I write my blog.  It seems to help calm my spirit and clear my head.  I know that I have that peace that “passeth all understanding.”  The kind of peace that cannot be explained, the kind that seemingly comes out of nowhere.  I know that we are doing the right thing.  I know I am not crazy for agreeing with Derick about joining the Navy and going to South America.  I know I’m not crazy for wanting 4 kids, not just 2 or 3.  I am confident that this is the path that God has chosen for us and inspite of the next to impossible days, I can still rest in my Father’s arms, knowing that we are going in the right direction, doing what he has asked us to do.

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South America – Day 17

Today was Coffee Tuesday.  My sisters (and Chad) come to my house for coffee and to visit.  But, today was the last one for a while.  Next week I get to start going to Bible Study again.  I’m really excited!  I have been looking forward to this for months!  Even when I was teaching a study I was looking forward to the fall, when I could just sit and learn. 

My family came over today.  Everyone, in different stages.  Carrie and Rachel came this morning for coffee.  Kendra came at about noon.  I was just getting out of the (now working) shower in my master bathroom and I heard someone knocking on the bathroom door.  It was Kendra, and she came upstairs to tell me that someone was at my house and they had food so she assumed that this person was from my church.  She was right but it sounded funny, that she let them in my house not knowing who it was.  Katie (the girl from my church that came to my house with food) actually came to babysit my middle children while I took Brody to his one month checkup.  Everything looks good there.  Everything went well at home from what it sounded like. 

My parents came over this evening, but not before my kids had all tried my patience.  I was about to reach the end of my rope when they finally got there.  Aida got in trouble a couple of times and she actually cried herself to sleep at the dinner table.  Allyn laid in his bed at about 8:00 but he didn’t fall asleep for about an hour or more.  The day really was a good day.  The kids made some messes, nothing that can’t be managed.  Sometimes its hard to watch my house get messy when my friends spent so much time getting it clean. 

I am so exhausted.  I think I’m gonna have to write more of this in the morning.

9-9-09 – As I finish my post, Allyn is trying to brush my hair.  Its rather cute, really, although occasionally he brushes it into my face and I can’t see what I’m writing.  Nothing really extraordianry happened yesterday.  Its just hard raising kids.  Its hard doing it alone.  I wish Derick was here sometimes, but I don’t think that would change how hard it is.  Every child brings their own challenges.  Christian seems, quite often, to be rather scatter-brained (not unlike his mother), and Aida can be extremely defiant (not unlike her father’s side of the family).  Sometimes, I’m just at a loss when it comes to dealing with the two of them.  Allyn is still, fortunately, pretty compliant, and obedient.  It makes me wonder what Brody will be like.  He is, right now, such a good baby.  I don’t think I would survive this time without Derick if he wasn’t a good baby. 

Well, enough for now.  Derick is supposed to call me on Skype pretty soon.

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South America – Day 16

Today was really an exciting day!  I got my garage painted, my house really cleaned (not just picked up), my boys room trimmed, my laundry almost completely done, folded and put away, and my basement about half cleaned (half cleaned is a huge accomplishment).  I had 13 people here working on allof this stuff today.  And I had a babysitter so that I could be available where ever the help needed me.  I don’t think my house has ever been this clean since I have lived here.  That’s kind of embarassing to admit but its true.  I am so grateful to all of those people that came today.  I am so thankful to my friend, Diane, for organizing this!  What would I do without my wonderful church family.  I have had one person after another, freely give of their time, energy, talents and money to make sure that my children and I are doing well while Derick is away.  I don’t know why I ever get upset and question God.  As soon as I do, I have days like today that are absolutely unbelievable! 

So, tonight I had another friend make dinner for me and my kids.  After we were done, I cleaned it up, and told the kids to get ready for bed.  My goodness, it is way harder to teach the kids to clean up after themselves.  I had to point out the same things over and over again for them to pick up ad put away.  We picked up the toys in the basement, the worn clothes in the bathroom and put things back where they belong.  Finally we made it.  I have coffee on Tuesdays with my sisters at my house.  I just wanted it to look this way in the morning so they can see it.  What a blessing.  And how exciting to wake up in the morning with it still clean!  Praise God!

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